

  • 描述一下身边的污染现象现在中学生应该怎么做到低碳生活呼吁大家保护环境
  • 关于低碳生活的英语作文1  Currently,my school is launching an activity whose theme is that actions change the world to advocate the low carbon living.  In the activity,we are required to go to school or some other place by bike or by foot as much as possible instead of by bus.And when the Christmas comes,sending e-greeting cards instead of tridional cards of which are made of wood as we know.Besides,we should use both sides of every piece of paper and we should save water as well as electricity.  I believe that only we do thus can we have a better living environment关于低碳生活的英语作文2  Todays society is a highly developed technological society. However, the shortcomings in the development process are obvious, such as: carbon dioxide, and environmental pollution. But the most serious should be the carbon dioxide problem. Now the problem of global warming because of excess emissions of greenhouse gases. Excessive amount of carbon dioxide emissions, creating a diversified economy and La Nina phenomena lag disorder. Two levels of glaciers melting, polar animals lose their chance of survival at the same time, will lead to rising sea levels, many coastal cities into the water did not result in a few years later. Therefore, we must take the necessary measures to reduce the environmental impact of carbon dioxide. For example: tree-planting activities, reduce fossil fuel use, we can from our own, to promote low-carbon living.请采纳答案,支持我一下。…余下全文


  • 如何低碳生空巢老人的英语作文活英语作文
  • Now,many people in order to earn money,away from home,the elderly will be left alone at home,let the old bear alone,this old man we call Empty Nester,every Empty Nester need human love,they thirst for love,however,their children did not go home to see them,they will even died in loneliness,we cant let them hurt,and w迹鼎管刮攮钙归水害惊e,have the responsibility to have the ability to undertake the obligations,love them,let them know that love,so we must take care of Empty Nester.


  • ,假如你叫李华,是校学生会主席。最近你校学生会发起了一项名为“杜绝校园浪费,提倡低碳生活”的主题活动,要求同学们在日常生活中尽量减少浪费,实现低碳生活。请你代表学生会写一份英语倡议书,内容包括; 1).例举校园存在的浪费现象。 2).低碳生活的重要性 3).倡议的内容注意:要求150字
  • Dear fellow student, As everybody can see,some resoureces are being wasted in our school. The lights are on during the day in some classrooms. The tap is left running after washing. In the canteen some students throw away the food just because they don’t like it.I think it is high time that we stopped wasting and lived a low carbon life because many go hungry and energy crisis is getting worse in the world.So I make some suggestions. Firstly, we should turn off the lights and the tap when we don’t use them.Secondly,we’d better eat up the food we buy .Thirdly, we should form the habit of recycling wastes. Dear friends, if we take action now, we can make a big difference to the world. Yours Li Hua


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