

  • 帮我译几句话。 1你们结婚多久了。 2你们什么时候结婚的。3我们结婚已经十年了。 4我们十年前结的緍。 谢谢
  • 1、how long have you married? 2、 when do you get married with each other? 3 we have been married for ten years. 4. we got married ten years ago.


  • canteen的意思 军中福利社,临时流动餐馆,…deflation是什么意思及用法 放气,缩小annuity的中文翻译及音标 年金,养老金,年金领受权annuity的中文翻译及音标 年金,养老金,年金领受权proletarian怎么翻译及发音 无产阶级的; 无产者principal是什么意思 最重要的,主要的,首要的;…overtime的意思 超时,加班,延长时; 超时…graduate是什么意思 毕业生,量杯; 已得学位的…administration的中文释义 U管理,经营;C行政,行政…novelist的中文意思 小说家
  • Its really unbelievable that some man can even marry a law-down dirty shame like her.有人竟然和像他那样不知羞耻的人结婚,真是不可思议。I wouldnt like to have anything to do with a law-down dirty shame like her.我可不想和她那样恬不知耻的人有任何的来往。Liberty consists in the power of doing that which is permitted by law自由就是做法律许可做的事情的权力Hes really a law-down dirty shame. He would even say that he likes other guys to get the better of his own wife.他真是个不知羞耻的家伙,竟然说他喜欢人家占他老婆的便宜。Ignorance of the law excuses no man

agree to do和agree to doing的区别

  • agree to do和agree to doing的区别
  • agree to do和agree to doing的区别1.agree to do,该不定式的逻辑主体与句子的主语一定是同一个人,即主语答应(自己)做某事; 而agree to doing,其逻辑主体与句子主语可以不是同一个人,即主语同意(别人)做某事,即在做某事这一点上,主语和动名词的逻辑主体相互同意。试比较:At last she agreed to marry him.她最后还是同意嫁给他。害虎愤臼莅铰缝歇俯忙At last Janes father agreed to her marry- ing John.简的爸爸最后还是同意她嫁给约翰了。2.agree to doing sth 同意做某事用法相当于agree to sth答应,同意,应允 例句I’ll never agree to having you for my heir.我决不同意你做我的继承人。 Do you think he’ll agree to their proposal?————-如有帮助请采纳, 如需帮助可追问,谢谢。


  • 只要一种短语或句式的用法的整理,细节到位,有例句,翻译及重点。。原文如下,ppt格式In just two months, the latest buzzword from the Internet, diaosi, has spread so much that it can be found everywhere–from online forums to micro blogs. Many people even call themselves diaosi. It’s not the first time a term has gone viral on the Internet in China. However, why is the word diaosi so popular that it has become a cultural phenomenon? Here, we tell you everything you want to know about it.The word originated in the’s Tiebar (a top Chinese bulletin board system) of soccer player Li Yi. There, fans of Li, who are called yisi in Chinese, not only talk about soccer but moan about their lives, work and relationshipsYisi, who are known for their rude and dirty language, were given the name diaosi by others who have seen their postsThe word diaosi was coined first by single, young men who feel they have dead-end lives. Generally, men in this category don’t earn enough, are not good looking, and have difficulty winning promotionUnlike their upper-class contemporaries, they lack influential families, useful social networks for their careers, and most importantly, suitable women to marry.“I’m just a diaosi, poor and plain-looking, who will marry me?” It’s a common sentiment uttered by one of them, which is half self-mockery, half realityMany young men call themselves diaosi because they feel they are among the lowest echelons of society. They suffer low self-esteem and have stopped trying to improve their lives.问题补充: 发送至627908001


  • 1)chinas per capita GDP has exceeded 3000¥,but has yet to rank among top 100 on the world’s list.这句话中 yet 前面不需要加否定词not 吗,为什么?Better yet, they want to put in lots of time.这里的yet是表示转折吗?2)Aaron says the device is similar in operation to an ultrasound test, but is far less costly.这个but 后面没加主语,是因为前面有主语了,这里是省略主语,具体怎样省略呢?3)完成时态问题I have been married for a year和 i got married a year ago.marry 是短暂性动词在这里第一句话怎么理解,两句话区别是什么?i have been learned English for 5 years 与 i have learned English for five years 第一句话与第二句话之间的区别是第一句话是被动吗,感觉第一句理解为被动地时候不对啊?两个都可以用吗?4)If you dont embrace a workload others would consider crazy then your goal doesnt mean that much to you.others would consider crazy是省略了that的定语从句吗?if 引导的条件状语从句和虚拟语气有什么区别?5)Either way you wont be remarkably successful.Either way 在这里做什么句子成分是by either way 吗?6)learned much of what he knows about business and technology as he worked his way up in the manufacturing industry. 分析一下句子成分吧,learned前面没有主语,为什么
  • 1)貌似以前老师讲过一种YET本身可表示否定的用法。2)device3) I have been married for a year: have been married表状态,指一段时间,动作从过去持续到现在,所以后面的时间状语也要是表示一段时间的,用FOR。 i got married a year ago表动作,指一个时间点,表示动作是一年前发生的,所以相应的时间状语也要是非延续性的,。。。ago可以


  • 这句话有没有语法错误?I will neither marry anyone nor get into a relationship.
  • marry的用法,我稍微有点疑问,你查一下,如果没有的话就没啥问题了

There are Many kinds of anina such as be

  • There are Many kinds of anina such as bears and zebras
  • 一、suchas的七个用法1.表示举例,意为“例如,诸如此类的,像……那样的”,相当于like或forexample。如:TherearefewpoetssuchasKeatsandShelly.像济慈和雪莱这样的诗人现在很少了。Adverbsareusedtomodifyverbs,suchas“quickly”in“sheranfast”.副词用来修饰动词,例如“她跑得快”中的“快”。Animalssuchasrabbitsanddeercontinuetobeactiveallwinter,findingfoodwherevertheycan.像兔和鹿这样的动物整个冬天都是很活跃的,它们到处寻找食物。用于此义时的几点说明:(1)这类结构既可表现为“名词+suchas+例子”,也可表现为“such+名词+as+例子”。如:Ienjoysongssuchasthisone.=Ienjoysuchsongsasthisone.我喜欢像这首歌一样的歌。(2)若后接动词,通常用动名词,有时也可用动词原形。如:Don’tdoanythingsillysuchasmarryhim.不要做什么蠢事,比如说去嫁给他。Magiciansoftenperformtrickssuchaspullingarabbitoutofahat.魔术师常常变从帽子里抓出兔子的戏法。(3)不要按汉语意思将suchas用作suchlike。(4)其后不可列出前面所提过的所有东西。如:正:Iknowfourlanguages,suchasJapaneseandEnglish.我懂四种语言,如日语、英语。误:Iknowfourlanguages,suchasChinese,French,JapaneseandEnglish.我懂四种语言,如汉语、法语、日语和英语。(5)在现代英语中,suchas可与etc.连用。如:Theyplantedmanyflowers,suchasroses,sunflowers,etc.他们种了许多种花,如玫瑰花、向日葵等。Theyexporta1otoffruits,suchasoranges,lemons,etc.他们出口许多水果,如桔子、柠檬等。2.表示“像……这样的”,其中的as用作关系代词,引导定语从句,as在定语从句中用作主语或宾语。此外,不要按汉语意思把该结构中的as换成like。如:Heisnotsuchafoolashelooks.他并不像他看起来那么傻。Suchmenashe(is)arerarenow.现在像他这样的人很少了。3.表示“凡是……的人(或事物)”、“所有……的人(事物)”,其意相当于everythingthat,allthose,thosethat(who)等。其中的such为先行词,as为关系代词。如:Takesuch(things)asyouneed.你需要什么就拿什么。Youmaychoosesuchasyouprefer.你可挑选自己想要的东西。Such(people)ashaveknowledgeandskillwillnotwanttowork.有知识和技能的人不愁没有工作。4.有时suchas整个儿用作关系代词,用以引导定语从句。如:Wehadhopedtogiveyouachancesuchasnobodyelseeverhad.我们本来希望给你一个别人从未有过的机会。ThenIleftit,feelingaweightatmyheartsuchasIhadneverhadbefore.然后我离开那里,心……余下全文


  • I saw Marry enter that department storesaw是感官动词,后面加动词原形或者分词形式表示身体上主动感受到的事实的发生问:后面用动词原形也包括作用在名词性从句中的动词enter吗
  • 固定用法 see sb do sth


  • 非延续性动词出自于哪个学科
  • 非延续性动词这类动词也可称为终止性动词、短暂性动词、瞬间动词、点动词,表示的动作不能延续,即动作发生后立即结束。。这类动词有:arrivereach 到达 buy 买 close 关post 邮寄 fall 落下 die 死leave 离开 go 去护定篙剐蕻溉戈税恭粳 break 打破lose 丢失 give 给 join 加入receive 接收 borrow 借 move搬hear 听到 hear from 收到来信become 成为 beginstart 开始finish 结束 marry 娶、嫁非延续性动词的用法特征1.非延续性动词可用来表示某一动作完成,因此可用于现在完成时。如:The train has arrived.火车到了。Have you joined the computer group?你加入电脑小组了吗?2.非延续性动词表示的动作极其短暂,不能持续。因此,不可与表示一段时间的状语连用(只限肯定式)。如:(1)他已经死了三年了。误:He has died for three years.正:He has been dead for three years.正:He died three years ago.正:It is three years since he died.正:Three years has passed since he died.(2)他来这儿五天了。误:He has come here for five days.正:He has been here for five days.正:He came here five days ago.正:It is five days since he came here.正:Five days has passed since he came here.(1)、(2)句中的die、come为非延续性动词,不能与表示"段时间"的状语连用。那么,应如何正确表达呢?可以采用下面的四种方法:(1)将句中非延续性动词转换为相应的延续性动词,如上面两例中的第一种正确表达方式。下面列举几例:leave→been away, borrow→keep, buy→have, beginstart→be on, die→be dead, move to→live in, finish→be over, join→be inbe a member of, open sth.→keep sth. open, fall ill→be ill, get up→be up, catch a cold→have a cold。(2)将句中表示"段时间"的状语改为表示过去确定时间的状语,如下面两例中的第二种正确表达方式。(3)用句型"It is+段时间+since…"表达原意,如上面两例中的第三种正确表达方式。(4)用句型"时间+has passed+since…"表达原意,如上面两例中的第四种正确表达方式。3.非延续性动词可用于现在完成时否定式中,成为可以延续的状态,因而可与表示一段时间的状语连用。如:He hasnt left here since 1986.I havent heard from my father for two weeks.4.非延续性动词的否定式与un……余下全文

“My daughter ______in 1997,” she told her frien;

  • “My daughter ______in 1997,” she told her frien; A、 did marriage B、 got married C、 had married D、 married
  • B. 结婚 marry 的用法: 1.marry 是及物动词,marry sb. 2. get married 体现动作特征,没有延续性。如果要体现“和某人结婚”,用 get married to sb. 3. be married 体现状态特征。


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