

  • 问一下这英语怎么翻译成汉语
  • 下载或者安装有效文件失败!原文就是这个意思


  • 3、智能蜂窝技术   智能蜂窝是指基站采用具有高分辨阵列信号处理能力的自适应天线系统,智能地监测移动台所处的位置,并以一定的方式将确定的信号功率传递给移动台的蜂窝小区。对于上行链路而言,采用自适应天线阵接收技术,可以极大地降低多址干扰,增加系统容量;对于下行链路而言,则可以将信号的有效区域控制在移动台附近半径为100~200 波长的范围内,使同道干扰大小为减小。智能蜂窝小区既可以是宏蜂窝,也可以是微蜂窝。利用智能蜂窝小区的概念进行组网设计,能够显著地提高系统容量,改善系统性能。问题补充: 别直接用翻译机翻译,那样的我也会。这是电子信息类英语,求专业点。
  • Intelligent cellular technology Intelligent cellular base station with means of adaptive antenna system for high resolution array signal processing capacity, the intelligent monitoring of the mobile station location, signal power transmission in a certain way to determine the cellular mobile station.For the uplink, the adaptive antenna array receiver technology, can greatly reduce the multiple access interference, increase system capacity; for the downlink, can be effective area signal control in a mobile station near the radius of 100 ~ 200 wavelength, so that the same size to reduce channel interference.Intelligent cell can be both a macrocell, can also be a microcell. By using intelligent cellular concept network design, can significantly improve the system capacity, improve the system performance.

有些住在美国的中国人也把汉语当做第二语言来说 英语翻译

  • 我这样翻译 Some Chinese people live in America also speak Chinese as their second language. 可以吗 如果不行 请把正确的给我 谢谢
  • live前加个who定语从句,who作主语不能省或者living,现在分词


  • 把汉语翻译成英语似乎有人来过我的房间
  • 似乎有人来过我的房间.It seems that someone has been to my room. 希望可以帮到你望采纳


  • 一定要能正确翻译句子
  • 那暂时还没有那么先进的软件……


  • 帮我翻译一句话~“我是透明的,但我希望在你心里我是彩色的。”
  • ,


  • [摘 要]小学生是祖国的未来,为了他们的健康,国家出台一系列政策支持小学生体育活动的开展。儿童青少年人群由于处于生长发育旺盛期,他们的体质健康状况是事关中华民族素质的大事,也是国家综合国力的重要标志之一。而现阶段我国小学生的体质状况不容乐观,身体素质和心理素质都呈现下降的趋势。为此通过考察汉中市小学男生体力活动水平现状,以获取汉中市小学男生体力活动水平与身心健康的关系。本文通过问卷调查,资料分析,详细了解了汉中市小学男生的体力活动水平以及对其身心健康的影响,从而帮助他们更好地开展体育运动,促进汉中市小学男生的健康发展。通过体育活动的锻炼不仅能改善和提高小学生的身体素质。而且对小学生情感、情绪及学生身心矛盾具有很好的调节作用,有助于消极情绪的释放,减轻学生心理压力,增进学生心理健康,提高学生的心理素质。
  • Pupils are the future of the motherland, for their health, carry out the state promulgated a series of policies to support the primary sports. The children because of the strong growth and development period, their physical health status is related to the quality of the Chinese nation event, but also one of the important symbol of the comprehensive national power. At present, students of physical condition is not optimistic, physical and psychological qualities of both showed a downward trend. The status of physical activity level of male primary school in Hanzhoung City, Hanzhoung city primary school boys in relationship to obtain the level of physical activity and mental health. This article through the questionnaire survey, data analysis, Hanzhoung city primary school boys in the level of physical activity as well as the influence of physical and mental health of detail, thus helping them to better carry out sports activities, promote the healthy development of Hanzhoung city primary school boys. Not only through the sports exercise and improve the physical quality of students. But on emotion and students emotion, childrens contradiction has a good regulatory role, contribute to the negative emotional release, alleviate psychological pressure, promote the students psychological health, improve the psychological quality of students


  • 谢谢谢谢谢谢!!!
  • If you dont understand, dont be afraid to ask.Do you want to make friend with that boy?He does not want his teacher to worry about him.These children are sitting in the classroom in silence.The girl is smiling at her mother.望采纳

英语翻译汉语 脑筋急转弯

  • 怎样把这句英语翻译成简便高端大气又有内涵的中文:hey,buddy,if you have something to say,then say. if you have nothing to say,then go.
  • 喂,同志。如果你有想法,直说无妨;如果没有,那就请你离开


  • 学习不努力,老大徒伤悲,问题来了,经常为汉语翻译成英语发愁,请问用什么翻译软件翻译最准确、最好?
  • 百度翻译就挺好
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